Laugh Art

by Susan on Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One of the coolest opportunities I had while at the San Jose ICA was working with the legendary  performance artist Linda Montano for the exhibition _This Show Needs You. _She was wonderfully eccentric and generous - more so than I could have imagined.

My favorite memory with her was when she performed Laughter Therapy with my husband Tim and I while driving her around San Jose in our blue Toyota Corolla. It felt totally awkward yet exhilarating laughing with her in our car - and eventually we were rolling in our seats. I recently rediscovered a stack of Laugh Art instructions she gave to us, written on the backs of yellow Chinese Joss Paper. Here are a few to share:





Hope you have some good laughs today.

Thanks for reading.

All content © Copyright 2021 by the estate of Susan O'Malley