by Susan on Thursday, February 14, 2013


Love is everywhere, look for it.

Yesterday I was reminded of this when the refrigerator broke. The over-ripe bananas that I had accumulated in the freezer started to defrost and I was faced with no other choice than to make banana bread. And naturally, banana bread reminds me of love.

The sweet carmel-y smell of the bread baking reminds me of my mother’s love. Growing up in a big family, my mom would make dozens of loaves for us in one day (as opposed to the the measly two that I managed to bake). I still think there is nothing like coming home to a freshly baked slice of banana bread. When it’s moist with a carmel-crisp top just add a smear of butter and you will cry and go to heaven.

I didn’t really mean to make this post about food, but I guess I’ve done it, so here it is.  The recipe was nothing special,  just found here on the internet. I suppose I have to show you a picture of the banana bread I made, so here that is too.


Not quite the perfect specimens, but I assure you they taste like love.

Happy Valentines day.

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